
Exploring the World's
LARGEST Marijuana Database.

By William Stevens

Which Cities in North America
are the Pot Head Capitals of the World?

The top 10 cities with the largest selection of marijuana strains includes
Vancouver, Tulsa, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, Oklahoma City, Denver, Everett, Eugene and Salem.

Each adjacent compartment contains boxes with each city's HAPPIEST strain rating -
according to the average of user-uploaded data.

Each subsequent visualization will illustrate data pertaining to these top 10 "up in smoke" cities.

If waffle charts aren't your jam, here the happiest strains are broken down a la clustered force layout.

And a dot plot histogram for good measure.

Cool cool cool. But which strains help the most with STRESS?

Stress stinks. But with strains like Wolfberry and Cheese Dawg, you really can't go wrong.

I always thought Orange Crush was a soft drink.

But which strains should I avoid? I hate when my eyes get all DRY AND VAMPIRE-LIKE.

Maybe it's time to lay off the Bermuda Sour ...

And replace it with some of that good old-fashioned Spokane Jungle Juice.


Scroll back up for an additional showing.

Bring a White Castle crave case with you this time.